1. Wigetta: Un viaje mágico (4You2) (Spanish Edition)

1. Wigetta: Un viaje mágico (4You2) (Spanish Edition)

B. inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama bantu aku dong urutin dialog ini pliss

Tom: Hi, Diana
Tom: Building Design.
Tom: I'm studying in Vocational Secondary School.
Tom: Sure, with pleasure.
Tom: How do you do?
Tom: Pleased to meet you, Anne
Diana: Let's find a seat, we can talk further

Tom and Anne: Okay

Diana: Hi. Tom Do you want to join us?
Diana: Anne, this is my friend. Tom. His house is in front of my house. His parents are in Canada.
Anne: How do you do?
Diana: Anne is my cousin. She stuies in International Senior High School
Anne: Please to meet you, too, Tom. Where do you study?
Anne: That's great. What's your mayoring?
Anne: Wow... that's interesting

bantu aku dong urutin dialog ini pliss

Tom: Hi, Diana
Tom: Building Design.
Tom: I'm studying in Vocational Secondary School.
Tom: Sure, with pleasure.
Tom: How do you do?
Tom: Pleased to meet you, Anne
Diana: Let's find a seat, we can talk further

Tom and Anne: Okay

Diana: Hi. Tom Do you want to join us?
Diana: Anne, this is my friend. Tom. His house is in front of my house. His parents are in Canada.
Anne: How do you do?
Diana: Anne is my cousin. She stuies in International Senior High School
Anne: Please to meet you, too, Tom. Where do you study?
Anne: That's great. What's your mayoring?
Anne: Wow... that's interesting


Tom: Hi, Diana

Diana: Hi. Tom Do you want to join us?

Tom: Sure, with pleasure.

Diana: Anne, this is my friend. Tom. His house is in front of my house. His parents are in Canada.

Diana: Anne is my cousin. She stuies in International Senior High School

Tom: Pleased to meet you, Anne.

Anne: Please to meet you, too, Tom. Where do you study?

Tom: I'm studying in Vocational Secondary School.

Anne: That's great. What's your mayoring?

Tom: Building Design.

Anne: Wow... that's interesting

Tom: How do you do?

Anne: How do you do?

Diana: Let's find a seat, we can talk further

Tom and Anne: Okay


semoga membantu dan jadikan jawaban yang terbaik, terimakasih.
